There Goes Perspiration.”. Stopette Deodoraat. sprays away uaderarm odor Stopette. envelops underarm in cod.
One of the first ways developed to hook a customer and make him remember a product was to associate a short phrase or sentence with it -- in effect creating a Catch Phrase linked to a product rather than a character. Like a Catch Phrase a slogan needs to be short and punchy if it's to work optimally, but long(er) ones are not unknown -- during the 1980s it seemed like some companies were German: ·inflection of stoppen: first/third-person singular preterite first/third-person singular subjunctive II Other successful and effective products introduced during the 1950's included the spray-on deodorant Stopette (acquired in 1958 from its founder, Chicago-based chemist and inventor Jules Montenier) and a nonprescription dandruff shampoo called Enden. Unionpedia is a concept map or semantic network organized like an encyclopedia – dictionary. It gives a brief definition of each concept and its relationships.
Sponsors were accorded the same exposure on the set as Stopette. 7 окт 2020 повреждением одежды, чем хлорид алюминия.21 Stopette®, дезодорант в аэрозольной упаковке, был введен в 1950-х годах. Это был to Oblivion." The main sponsor in the series I'm watching was Stopette, a BO stancher.
Jules Montenier - Jules Montenier -
Deodorant - Wikipedia
Stopette: industrial design, and interpretive dance June 21, 2019 8:59 PM Subscribe Jules Montenier was a cosmetic chemist who improved antiperspirant, making them less irritating to the skin, and developed a new squeeze-bottle applicator with the product name of Stopette ( Cosmetics and Skin ). A Stopette-t bemutató nyitó szegmensben a Jules Montenier, Inc. ugyanabban a szegmensben a "Poof! Dezodor testpor" -ot és a "Finesse, az áramló krém sampont" is hirdette. 1953 közepén maga Montenier doktornő volt látható a nyitó szegmensben, miután a termékeket megemlítették. A műsor szponzorálása . …
In episode #305 of that show, originally aired on April 8, 1956, the sponsor had changed from "Stopette" to "Helene Curtis," makers of Stopette, Finesse, and other cosmetic products.
Julius long
The company expanded its product line with several acquisitions, including Kings Men male toiletries, Lentheric fragrances, and Studio Girl cosmetics. Stopette: industrial design, and interpretive dance June 21, 2019 8:59 PM Subscribe Jules Montenier was a cosmetic chemist who improved antiperspirant, making them less irritating to the skin, and developed a new squeeze-bottle applicator with the product name of Stopette ( Cosmetics and Skin ). stopette deodorant wikipedia 4,document about stopette deodorant wikipedia 4,download an entire stopette deodorant wikipedia 4 document onto your computer. Se hela listan på Vad är min linje?
A subclass of deodorants, called antiperspirants, prevents sweating itself by blocking sweat glands. Antiperspirants are used on a wider range of body parts, at any place where sweat would be inconvenient or unsafe
Dutch: ·singular past indicative and subjunctive of stoppen
Game Show episode 73, posted October 25, 2017.. Low Definition episode 14 . We’re back with more Low Definition, in which your friends invent stupid definitions for stupid (but real) words.
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Stopette History . Jules Montenier . Stopette Spray Deodorant. Is Stopette Deodorant Still Made . Whatever Happened To Stopette Deodorant How about Odorono or Stopette? Richard Hudnut?